THERE are, said the poet Wallace Stevens, 13 ways of looking at a blackbird. The essence of that particular truth came home forcefully last fortnight…

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Losing Voice

English with an American accent, there were jokes about being the “51st US state”, the US military had a huge presence, and the economy was…

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Breakout Companies

Raghuram Govind Rajan is a lucky man. Two weeks into his new job as Governor of the Reserve Bank of India his friend Ben Bernanke,…

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Cheat Funds

Sometimes India’s economy resembles a rambunctious teenager brought up short by a finger-wagging headmaster. Our finance minister can now recite with his eyes closed a…

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Watch Your Step

Three economists are gazing at a glass half full of water. The optimist sees a glass half full. The pessimist sees a glass half empty.…

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Are Indian CEOs Overpaid?

The day before this issue of Business Today hits news stands, America will vote for a new president. The day after you invest less than…

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Deal Chahta Hai

A laughter club in Mumbai is forced to “zip it” because a humourless neighbour is disturbed, not long after a 63-year-old cartoon unleashes a cleansing…

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