Interview with Ellen Kullman

DuPont Chair & CEO ELLEN KULLMAN in conversation with CHAITANYA KALBAG. Edited excerpts: Do you think the India-US CEO Forum you are a member of…

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Interview with Ursula Burns

“I use the word ‘blue collar’ purposefully at Xerox. It is the heart and soul of most economies” URSULA BURNS is the first African-American woman…

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The Dauphin and the Figurehead

Timing is everything, and with a number of state elections soon, leading to the general election next year, the cynicism and opportunism are manifest. The…

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When I stepped into this role in mid-2010, it seemed India was unstoppable. Gross Domestic Product growth had averaged 8.5 per cent since 2004, when…

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Ready For Battle

I remember sticking an aluminium one-yen coin and a copper one-US-cent coin to my computer screen in Tokyo around the mid-1990s and watching in fascination…

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Hooks & Crooks

I remember a composite satellite photograph of the world taken at night time. One country stood out like a black blotch on a map that…

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Are Indian CEOs Overpaid?

The day before this issue of Business Today hits news stands, America will vote for a new president. The day after you invest less than…

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