Gandhi must have been passing through an extremely clairvoyant phase when he came up with this statement in the Thirties. In the thirty years that…

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Letter from the Editor

THERE can be little more excitement for the media than to chronicle political events from inception to climax. Opportunities tend to be rare, but as…

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Interview with Ellen Kullman

DuPont Chair & CEO ELLEN KULLMAN in conversation with CHAITANYA KALBAG. Edited excerpts: Do you think the India-US CEO Forum you are a member of…

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Interview with Ursula Burns

“I use the word ‘blue collar’ purposefully at Xerox. It is the heart and soul of most economies” URSULA BURNS is the first African-American woman…

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INDIA : Return To Normalcy

Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s dramatic announcement on January 18 that the Emergency in India is being relaxed and that elections to the Lok Sabha will…

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There had been many signs of the anti-Congress wind in the final days of the 1977 election campaign, but its magnitude amazed the canniest political…

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High Way

India’s Parliament House does not resemble a ziggurat, but it does remind me of the Tower of Babel and how God descended to earth to…

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